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Website and cookie information

This information is prepared and customized for visitors to the website

Specific summary information is progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the site prepared for particular services on request which provide forms for data collection.

We also inform you that, in order to provide a complete service, our site may contain links to other websites, not managed by Geos and Engineering s.r.l.

Geos and Engineering s.r.l. is not responsible for errors, contents, cookies, publications of illicit moral content, advertising, banners or files that do not comply with current regulations and compliance with the Privacy legislation by sites not managed by the Owner.

Data subjects: users of the website

Geos and Engineering s.r.l. as Data Controller of your personal data pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (‘Code regarding the protection of personal data’), hereinafter the ‘Privacy Code’, with the present informs you that the aforementioned legislation provides for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data and that such processing will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of your privacy and your rights.

The information and personal data you provide or otherwise purchased as part of the use of the site will be processed in accordance with the legislative provisions of the aforementioned legislation and the confidentiality obligations set forth therein.

Type of data processed

Navigation data

  • IP addresses or domain names of computers and other devices used by users who connect to the site;

  • the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources and any temporal indications of the same;

  • parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment;

  • start and finish pages;

  • Navigation index and identification behaviors when viewing site pages.

Personal data provided voluntarily by the user: the optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site and the compilation of forms on the same involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s personal data (by way of example, name, surname , email address). Specific summary information is present on the pages that provide the forms.

Purpose of processing: your data collected during navigation will be processed for the following purposes:

  1. 1. carrying out operations strictly connected and instrumental to the management of relations with users or visitors to the site;
  2. collection, storage and processing of your data for:
  • statistical analysis also in anonymous and / or aggregate form;
  • statistical analysis aimed at verifying the quality of the services offered by the site;

The processing of data for the accomplishment of the purpose referred to in point 1 is mandatory and any non-communication, or incorrect communication, of one of the information may limit and / or prevent the full use of the functions and services present on the site.

The provision of the data indicated in purpose 2 is optional, and any refusal to process it does not compromise the functionality and services on the site. With regard to the optional provision, more information about the cookies on the site is provided in the cookie policy document, which is also accessible from the short notice.

Methods of treatment: personal data are processed with manual, electronic tools, through automated systems as provided for in art. 130 of the Code and also through cookies for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Each processing takes place in compliance with the methods indicated in Legislative Decree 196/2003 with the adoption of minimum and appropriate security measures.

The treatments connected to the web services are carried out at the Aruba provider

Communication: your data are processed within the company by the categories of authorized and appointed persons appointed by the Data Controller.

Your data may be disclosed to third parties, in particular to:   

  • External provider;
  • Companies that carry out ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the websiteb.

your data will not be disclosed.

Third parties: Your data is also collected through tools and services provided by third parties and stored by them.

For more information, see the cookie policy and the following:

Google Analytics:   –
Google maps:  
Social: see details in the cookie policy
Flash cookie: see details in the cookie policy

Data Controller: the Data Controller, pursuant to the law, is the undersigned Company (Geos and Engineering s.r.l. – Viale Umberto Tupini – 00144 – in the person of its pro tempore legal representative.


You have the right to obtain from the data controller the cancellation, communication, updating, rectification, integration of personal data concerning you, and in general you can exercise all the rights provided for by Article 7 of the Privacy Code. provided in copy below.



If you have any doubts regarding this Notice, first contact Geos and Engineering s.r.l. by sending an e-mail to