Geos and Engineering offers green economy solutions for a real sustainable development.
The activity of territorial development of energy is, to all intents and purposes, a local expansion project aimed at setting up sources, with aspect of significant environmental and socio-economic value.
Geos and Engineering disposes of professionality and skills, internal and in network, capable of developing, administrating the entire process and assisting its investors through the various stages of the work.
Price On Carbon
The first stage of development of a project aimed at producing electricity from renewable sources, is the initial choice of the wind site.
The identification of suitable sites under the environmental profile and of potential availability of electricity grid to connect the plant, is the goal of this stage (if it regards total assignment of energy production).
Project feasibility
In this stage, after identificating the interested site, follows a technical detail analysis consisting of economical evaluation of design constraints according to appliable procedures and regional guidelines.
The ambiental evaluation represents the operative support for this stage; It aims to consider the various aspects that affect the wind site choice, such as: visual and landscape evaluation, archaeological and hydrological evaluations, eventual interferences with telecommunication, systems, construction and management of access viability, electric connection, etc.
Plants design and construction
Then, the preliminary process will be activated through Startup Reporting Procedure (updated according to Startup Certified Reporting) for turbines up to 100 KW (L. 244/2007) and, regarding superior powers, with Regional Conference of Services, for the release of Single Autorization (D.Lgs. 387/2003).
The operator is going to develop the project, adopting the environmental options that fit with the local context. In this stage, it is necessary to start ENEL and GSE procedures, aimed to the electrical connection of the plants and to IAFR qualification and to recognise the all-inclusive rate (L. 244/2007).
Assemblating Polyfunctional Marine Eco-Structures without obstaculating underwater currents and increasing the fauna.
GE 4 Sea modules are particularly effective to fit medium-large marine works with low environmental impact, solving a lot of coastal problems and offering new polyfunctional areas. Through the years, these works could always be updated based on interesting and needs, adding or removing modules.
The modules lay on the seabed like dead weights and they interlock themselves without using chemical binders; work of excavation of the seabed are not necessary, because the modules have enormous openings on each side to be crossed freely by sea currents and underwater fauna. These structures also become useful artificial reefs.

The main features and functionalities of GE 4 Sea modules are:

GE 4 Sea modules with an hollow-structure could be freely crossed by sea currents and represents a colonizable ecosystem to the fauna (as it is demonstrated in literature and certified by Legambiente).
The asset is always updatable adding/removing modules and represents a reversible solution when an assignment is accounted.